We Fear Of Any Changes
We fear of any changes the most. Nothing gives us more comfort than a false feeling of stability.
We want to experience new things in life but we don’t want to get exposed to the changes itself.
Who wouldn’t want to have a new and more exciting job?
Who wouldn’t want to be working on more interesting projects?
We all do.
But, we all wish it happens from one day to another so we don’t have to plan for it, think about it and even’t do anything.
Unchanging status quo feels so much safer than anything else.
Every change comes with some risk. Nothing good comes for free.
Inability to deal with fear is the worst enemy of our progress.
I’ve heard so many times how dreadful this or that job is, how boring and mind killing tasks are often part of someone’s daily routine.
No matter how desperate the person sounded it almost always ended up with “that is how it is” or “if I could I would”.
Like the situations were imposed on us and we had no power to do anything.
Like if our lives were in advance defined routes with no exciting crossroads at all.
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